Tradition, excellence and exclusivity!
International reference in hunting!
Impeccable field management.

A paradise for hunting only 20 km. from Madrid
Welcome to Castillo de Viñuelas.
Viñuelas, a paradise for free-ranging wildlife, hosts annual big game hunting and driven hunts between October and February. In August, the woodcock is the favourite target of the shotguns. In September, it is the stalking and the rutting that set the tone on the estate.
Castillo de Viñuelas is located in the municipality of Madrid, occupying its northwest corner, within the protected natural area of Soto de Viñuelas, part of the Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park.

Dream hunts 20 km from Madrid. Traditional hunting on a royal estate. Events like nowhere else.
Hunts of great tradition in which you can enjoy the essence of montera, with stipulated quotas of fallow deer and deer and a perfect distribution of the stalls. But if you want to get your chosen game right, you can also enjoy a good stalking accompanied by one of the gamekeepers of the preserve. We can also offer you a wild boar hunt or a night out.
We offer partridge hunts of four or five driven hunts for lines of 8 hunters.
We have a great reputation for our pigeon shoots in the mid-season, where our prestige has been amply proven.
Viñuelas, a paradise of free fauna, hosts yearly between October and February big game hunts and beats. In August, the woodcock is the favourite target of the shotguns. In September, it is the stalking and the rutting that set the tone on the estate.

Partridge hunting by Olaf Díaz-Pintado.

Traditional partridge hunts of the highest quality.
A reference in tradition, excellence and exclusivity!

In the centre of the fortified tower that formed part of the chain of fortresses established for defensive purposes around the region of the Moorish Mageril, these constituted the security system that the Arabs...

Castillo de Viñuelas is located in the municipality of Madrid, occupying its northwest corner, within the protected natural area of Soto de Viñuelas, part of the Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park...

Viñuelas, a paradise for Iberian fauna, has great landscape, artistic and environmental values and is home to fabulous specimens of deer, fallow deer, wild boar and partridge, among many...

Parallel to hunting, ‘Castillo de Viñuelas’ is equipped to host weddings, parties, congresses, business meetings, conventions, training courses, and all this in a wonderful environment,...